Keyano Centre & 50+ Club
The Swan Hills Keyano Centre was built by the volunteer efforts of the Swan Hills Community Club.
This facility offers a professional catering kitchen, meeting room, and large function area. There is a PA system and is wheelchair accessible. The Keyano Center will seat 405 guests (325 hall and 80 meeting room) and is 10,320 square feet. Contact the Swan Hills Community Club (phone 780-333-5236) for rental information.
Located at 5632 Main Street Swan Hills, AB T0G 2C0
50+ Graying and Staying Club
50+ Graying and Staying Club is a society formed by Swan Hills’ residents 50 years old and up. The 50+ Graying and Staying mandate is fun, friendship, and a full life. They meet twice monthly: the second Monday of the month is a general meeting and coffee night at 7:00 p.m. and the last Monday of the month is a pot-luck dinner at 6:00 p.m. The group has a games night twice weekly and many members meet on a drop-in basis just to chat.
The society is very active in the community: volunteering for community events, raising funds for the group or for community projects, as well as hosting dinners for local organizations.
Each member participates how, when, and where they choose, with commitments being entirely voluntary. Whether you just want to drop by or want a chance to work with the community, the 50+ Graying and Staying Club would be glad to have you join.
Call any time and leave a message at 780-333-3003.