Public Works – Operations
Director of Operations: 780-333-4477 x2
During normal business hours call 780-333-4477 x2 or x8 for general inquiries.
This number is only on after normal business hours and weekends and is for EMERGENCIES ONLY!
After hour Emergencies can be items as such:
- Waterline breaks
- Roads caving in
- Roads blocked with snow drifts
- Icy roads
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station is located 1 Km South of Swan Hills (along Highway 32 going towards Whitecourt, and the first right hand turn just past the guard rail section). There is no charge to Swan Hills residents to use the Transfer Station unless you are bringing an item that is chargeable (Fridges and Freezers $40.00 to dispose of, see the Transfer Station Document. This fee is to be paid at the Transfer Station).
The Transfer Station is open Tuesdays – 11:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturdays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Please refer to the Transfer Station document to see what is acceptable at the Transfer Station.

These are the blue bins and this is for RECYCLING only. Use only the correct bin and do NOT leave any waste or non-recyclables in the area. Bins are accessible 24/7. Please help us keep our recycling areas clean.
Refer to the Recycle Flyer to see what is acceptable in the Recycle Bins.
For general Garbage and Recycling Services you can contact the Town Office at 780-333-4477 x8 or Public Works at 780-333-4477 x2
Garbage & Recycling Services
Residential garbage collection is every Wednesday. Your residence will either have curbside pickup or back-alley pickup. If you do not live on a street with a back-alley, your pickup will be curbside.
Garbage must be in an enclosed garbage container with a sealing lid (you supply your own container) with garbage being in bags within the container. To ensure your garbage gets picked up, please have your garbage out before 8:00 am.
The Town of Swan Hills Public Works Department also picks up your Grass Clippings. Place your grass clippings in a CLEAR garbage bag with NO other waste inside at your pickup location. Public Works will collect these bags on Mondays (or Tuesdays some weeks).
Water Treatment
Water Treatment Process
Freeman Lake is the Town of Swan Hills’ raw water source. The treatment process is specifically designed to meet and exceed the Alberta Environment requirements for safe drinking water. The water first goes through a clarifier then through a micro membrane module which removes any contaminants. Chlorine gas is then added to disinfect and decrease the PH levels.

Wastewater Treatment Process
When the wastewater leaves your home or business it will travel through our network of underground pipes and may go through one lift station until it arrives at the first of two settling ponds and then into a number of aerated lagoons. The wastewater is pumped up to a facultative cell before dropping into the last detention cell. Wastewater storage and treatment is a one-year process and at the end of that year it is tested then released into the morse river.
Snow Removal
Street Snow Removal
The Public Works Department uses a priority schedule to remove snow in the Town of Swan Hills. Please refer to the Snow Removal Priority Schedule to see when your street will be cleared.
The Town of Swan Hills is continuing the use of the snow removal sign system to help with snow removal operations. “No Parking” signs are placed in neighborhoods indicating that street-side parking is prohibited along the street where the sign is placed.
Freeman Drive and Pan Am Street are designated as snow routes and a full time “No Parking” zone on one side of the street. All other Town streets have a no parking sign placed at the end of each block and signs shall be placed a minimum of twelve (12) hours before snow removal operations begin.
No person shall allow, or cause to be allowed, any vehicle to remain on the street after notice has been posted. Please remove vehicles from the street when the “No Parking” signs are up. Any vehicles that remain may be subject to a specified penalty and towing is in effect when “No Parking” signs are on the street. Towing costs will be the vehicle owner’s expense.
With the exception of the Plaza Parking Lot the “No Parking” signage comes into effect at 8:00 a.m. The signs remain in effect until they are removed. The same rule applies for the Plaza Parking Lot, except that the no parking rule comes into effect at 4:00 a.m.
We haul Hundreds of loads of snow each year from Swan Hills streets, please help make the process easy for us

Sidewalk Snow Removal
No Person shall place snow, ice, dirt, debris or other material onto the Highway, any public place or on private property other than their own, within the Town of Swan Hills. Placing snow, ice, dirt, debris or other material onto the streets will impede the safe passage of vehicles on the street.
If any property situated along municipal streets in the Town of Swan Hills are found not to be in compliance with the Snow Removal Bylaw, a Peace Officer or other designated officer may issue an order or a compliance notice verbally or by leaving a printed compliance notice in a conspicuous place on the property.
For more information on Snow Removal, please refer to the Community Standards Bylaw 2012-05, Section 10 – Snow Removal.
Contact Us
Public Works Department, Town of Swan Hills
Located at: 5536 Main Street
Phone: 780-333-4477 x2 or x8