Municipal Committees
Joining one of our Council Committees is a great way to get involved in Swan Hills.
You’ll have a chance to share your knowledge and experience as well as meet new people.
The Town of Swan Hills has various Boards and Committees of Town Council that require input from individuals such as yourself. The Boards and Committees of Council are:

- Cemetery Board
- Community Health Board
- Community Matters Committee
- Municipal Library Board
- Municipal Planning Commission
- Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
- Economic Development
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is a quasi-judicial board that works alongside the Development Office or Municipal Planning Commission. The appeal board makes decisions on appeals of Subdivision or Development decisions and is an important part of our community. This board meets only if an appeal has been submitted to the Town Office. The Municipal Planning Commission meets only as the need arises, not on a monthly basis.
All other Council Committees meet once a month from September until June, taking a break for the summer.
If you have any questions about the Boards and Committees, you can contact the Town Office at 780-333-4477 x8.